First vaccinations by Covid-19
"Descobrir Catalunya" Magazine.
Egg freezing for "A Magasinet" Aftenposten
Egg freezing or oocyte vitrification is the process applied to preserve a woman's fertility. This technique of ultrafast freezing allows to preserve the current probability of pregnancy for the future in the case of not achieving a spontaneous gestation.
"Soldados de Salamina", the movie.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia.
Cultural Center Niemeyer
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
Göremme Ballons Fly. 2012
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia.
A day in the Celler de Can Roca restaurant.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
A day in the Celler de Can Roca restaurant.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
A day in the Celler de Can Roca restaurant.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
A day in the Celler de Can Roca restaurant.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
Section: "30 seconds" "Fire protection."
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia. (double page)
Claudia Cardinale.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
"In the heart of the music". Salvador de Bahía.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
"In the heart of the music". Salvador de Bahía.
Sunday "Magazine" / La Vanguardia
Casa Verdi. Milan.
Sunday "Magazine / La Vanguardia.
The tennis player Alex Corretja
Ari Vatanen.